Wednesday, March 23, 2011

情深深雨蒙蒙 ~ Firenze

Well it was not 情深深 but twas definitely 雨蒙蒙 in Florence.

In Naples, Heeyul had me watch this Japanese movie called Between Calm and Passion. The plot: Boy meets Girl, and they fall in love *ahh* the bliss of first love. One night after some passionate love making, which may or may not have involved Boy drawing a portrait of Girl or Girl drawing a childish picture of a pot plant, they promise to meet again on her 30th birthday atop the Duomo in Florence, because according to Girl it is a sacred site for lovers. After an unfortunate incident, they break up. Years later, Boy works in Florence as an art restorer and Girl works in a jewelry store in Milan. Both are in new relationships but do not emotionally commit to their new partners because they cannot forget each other. Obviously, they also do not forget about that promise. So on her 30th birthday, Boy (now Man) waits all day for Girl (now Woman) at the top of the Duomo. Finally, she appears and they reconcile.

I'm not saying it was a terrific film. But for me, because of this film, Florence had a very romantic foundation built for it waay before it had begun.

We dropped by the small town of Pisa before going to Florence
This is a river in Pisa en route from the train station to the Tower, isn't it ROMANTIC?
My romantic expectations of Florence were fulfilled: it was the perfect little Renaissance town, aesthetically beautiful from the Duomo and its adjoining Bell tower and neighbouring Bapistry, to Ponte Vecchio which sells dazzling jewelry, Piazzale Michelangelo for its bronze replica of David and also for the perfect place to view the city against the golden setting sun, and the world renowned artworks housed inside the Uffizi and Acadamia Galleries... Against this background of elegant beauty, one can comprehend why the authors of Between Calm and Passion chose this city as the epicentre of their tale, and understand the cult created by this film with the hoards of Japanese and Korean lovers who converge on the Duomo everyday (the graffitied walls at the top of the Duomo can attest to this).
The exterior of the Duomo is lavishly decorated with statues and follows cream, green and pink colour scheme.
The bare interior of the Duomo contrasts starkly with the decadence of its exteror walls...until you walk to the end and gaze up at this magnificent dome.
*Dancing in the rain next to the Bell Tower*
Admiring an amazing door
The Baptistry refuses to be outshone by its neighbour (yes that is ITS dome, and yes that is gold)
Head up to Piazzale Michelangelo for a glorious sunset
If you have cash to burn, you can splurge here at Ponte Vecchio
But even more than pleasing my eyes, I like to please my taste buds. Tuscan cuisine, famed for its rustic but tasty dishes, certainly did not disappoint. It was in Florence at a small family-run ristorante where I had the most succulent steak in my life (now coming from Australia, that's a big award). I also had some a delicious rice tart thingy here~~~
Traditionally Florentine steak is very thick and very rare inside. It's coated with some herbs
Don't even consider having a Florentine steak in any way other than rare. Those scared of blood need not apply
Chianti wine is another speciality of the region. Heeyul said it was a well balanced wine. I'm not a big fan of wine, so I make do with with playing around with it (^o^)v

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