Thursday, December 9, 2010

A frozen, numb and bruised arse

Last night I went sledging. It was convenient as in the centre of our university campus is a park complete with hills, a lake and ducks. Initially we went with some make-shift sledges consisting of a piece of cardboard covered with garbage bag.

I was really bad at sledging!! Cassandra kept saying what a failure I was!! Indeed, I kept turning a quarter of the way down, and by the time I've turned 180+ degrees, my speed would have come to zero, and I would only half way down the hill. All the while everyone else has gone full speed to the bottom, without any turning!! WHY?!

There were these high school boys also sledging at our hill. We eyed their proper sledges enviously and asked them if we could borrow them. They told us they stole their sledges from a nearby school and would lend it to us if we paid them 50kr. So of course we were just like "whatever". But when they finished sledging, they just left their sledges on the ground!! One of them even threw theirs into the lake!!! So we quickly went downhill and picked up their stolen sledges. It was so much better sliding on proper sledges, less friction maybe? We didn't play long with our trophy sledges though, because Amy was afraid the deliquents may come back and reclaim their sledges. So after our second run down, we quite literally ran away with our double stolen sledges.

My arse was still frozen/numb when I got home (warning TMI: I realised this as I did not flinch - actually I didn't feel ANYTHING - as I normally do, when I sat on my frozen toilet seat), and this morning as I turned in bed, I noticed a peculiar pain on my behind/thigh, a sensation that is consistent only with bruising. I also could not t fall asleep for a long time because of the residue adrenaline in my body. But I went home with a big smile on my face' sledging was too much fun!

Posing with our trophies. Cass (girl on left) is holding our Gen 1 and Gen 2 sledges

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