Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Why do all good things come to an end?

Farewell Århus, my beloved Danish home
And before we knew it, the end was upon us. We planned to finish it off with a bang, hence my last days in Århus were emotionally charged and packed with partying.

Our official party was held immediately following my last exam. I was so sleep deprived from studying that I had to take time outs from the party to take some power naps. Our organiser also arranged for activities apart from our usual drinking, like writing farewell messages to each other (that took a long time, because there were 12 of us, it was like writing for school) and a game of giving Xmas presents to each other. The party was not as fun as I had expected, I would have prefered it if we just sat around the table and talked and drank. But...yea it was not interactive enough, perhaps.

Cassie showing off her sexy Xmas present
Our favourite game: ugly bugly
Cute Naho-chan playing with a tripod
Cassie's 口头禅 and farewell message to everyone
Amy, Heeyul and Marcin were surprised with birthday cakes. Amy cried, but Marcin doesn't seem too pleased?
Drunk and exhausted, we crashed anywhere we could in Marcin's room at 5:30am.  here's photos of the sleeping beauties.
This one is a snoring beauty ^^
After the party, I felt so sad to be leaving Århus and my new friends. I feel as if I've just settled down into a social circle, and now I must uproot once again and leave. In a way, the temporary nature of exchange is almost cruel: to put us in a foreign environment where we are forced to make new friends, then tearing us apart just when we have become accustomed to the new bonds of friendship formed.

My last night in Århus and first time in a proper restaurant. We also celebrated Heeyul's official birthday, Marcin and I baked him another surprise cake, bought him some funky undies and a birthday card made for girls (Marcin and I have strange senses of humour).
The Polish cheesecake with coconut sprinkles
Birthday boy
Cute Hyeri baby!!
copying Hyeri ^^

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