Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Best Preserved City

I've heard many good things about Prague before I came - mostly how beautiful it is. And it didn't disappoint either. It was a treat to just wander along the meandering streets admiring the buildings that have withstood the test of time. The food was also hearty and very affordable!

The highlights of Prague definitely had to have been rowing on the Vltava River and clubbing til the wee hours of the morning. The rowing was Kengo's idea, and initially Heeyul and Kengo rowed us. But I was itching to have a go too, it looked so fun!! At first both Naho and I rowed, but I was way too strong for her, so I kicked her off the rower's seat and assumed captain's position!! It was tiring to row, but so very very fun!! I groaned so unwomanly though, like a woman in labour! I think during that moment I realised that I'm not ready to be a woman/lady yet (#I'm not a girl~ Not yet a woman~ All I need is time~ A moment that is mine~ While I'm in between#). I still very much enjoy being a care-free girl/tomboy without a care for womanly appearance/behaviour. Anyways, I'm so happy to report that in the days ensuing I suffered from no aching muscles, which must mean that I'm strong and fit!!

I like this photo. Behind me, you can see Naho, perched perfectly at the bow of the boat like a real lady. Do I detect a touch of passive aggression there? No, not at all! I only have the greatest respect for Naho-san, and I wish I could be more like her with her good behaviour. 唉!做日本女人不容易哦!
Me emasculating the boys - yet they look quite pleased :P

I don't know where I heard this, but apparently Prague is quite renowned for its nightlife. We went to the Karlovy Lázně, the biggest club in Central Europe. It has five storeys and each level is a different musical style. The dance floor was like a ditch or an unfilled swimming pool, and there were many people dancing at the edge, which was a fine view that Heeyul particularly enjoyed :P Anyways...a lot of people and very high even until the early morning. The funny part of the story was how we walked in the rain without umbrellas for an hour looking for the club, and of course, we also had to walk back to our accommodation in the rain, AND how none of us brought any money so we had to look for ATMs to withdraw cash.

Wet and oily from rain and sweat

Other good memories of the journey:
  • getting a compartment to ourselves during the Berlin-Prague leg of our journey, putting our MP3s on speaker phone and singing along
  • Naho and I getting a private room on the first night due to an error in the reservation, then Kengo falling asleep on our floor, instead of going to his dorm, after one too many funkily flavoured beers [think banana, sour cherry, nettle (I thought it tasted like eucalyptus), coffee]

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