Friday, September 17, 2010

In order to start dieting, I need to purge my fridge of fatty goods first

Like cream, mascarpone cheese, white chocolate. And this means a feast. An unhealthy feast.

Last week I got sick, and on my sick bed I thought long and hard about the foods I want to eat. Strawberry tart with chocolate custard is one of them (of course, you know from one of the last posts, that morphed into strawberries with Oreos), as well as strawberry cake, spinach and cheese pizza, 红烧肉 and 葱油饼.

Last weekend I made pizza. Homemade pizza. Everything was homemade from the dough to the tomato paste. I look forward to making it again, as I want to perfect the dough and the spinach and cheese flavour.

Spinach, garlic and cheese; olive and mushroom, with homemade tomato paste

Then on Monday, Amanda and I went for a walk to Løvebjerg (the sad thing is, hanging out in supermarkets has become my favourite hobby these days, there is 4 in my vicinity...) and we found super cheap chicken thighs and beef mince. Since my arrival at Århus, I've only cooked actual raw meat once, and that was because Amy was handling the meat, I have an aversion to raw meat, but hey survival calls for meat, so I'll get over that. ANYWAYS...due to that haul, I made cheese burgers on Tuesday

Yesterday was strawberry cake day - I want to make it for Heeyul and Hyeri to thank them for helping/taking care of me that night I got more than a little drunk. But the official day will be next week; yesterday was the test session. Originally I was going to serve the cake/muffin/cupcake with white chocolate ganache, but the cake was already sweet enough without the super sweet and creamy ganache.

Hmm...I don't have photos of the two muffins. These are the ones that turned out more attractive but were deemed to be too sweet. Btw - doesn't it have the cutest colour? I made it with frozen strawberries.

So I feel super fat these days. And perhaps with just cause given I've caught myself with my fly down (um TMI?) more than once this week! I know that I gained weight during my July travels, and I doubt my menu and recent bout of sickness where I ate Strawberries with Oreos has helped. So I want to start eating healthier again, but not when I still have a bowl of white choc ganache, cream and mascarpone cheese [and I won't even count the two bars of butter (I have been rather obsessed with butter these days), cheddar and mozzarella I have stashed in my fridge]. Oh what to do? Cook more unhealthy food!! XD Today I made creamy chicken and mushroom pasta, then with the white choc ganache, more cake. keke. Now I only have the mascarpone cheese to worry about - what can I make with it?

Last but not least, I want to share my new baby with everyone. This is not the one that I wanted, but Denmark is so expensive and this was on sale for less than half price!

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