Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hopping Around

We went ice-skating yesterday. This was only my third time ever. At the beginning I held onto my friend's hands, but I felt a bit bad after doing a few laps with them., because I felt like I was keeping them from having fun, so I grabbed a hold of a penguin (see below) when I saw a free one so they can play piggy in the middle/tip.

Me leaning on a penguin for support. I'm unnaturally positioned for skating because the penguin is meant for kids. Still, I thought it was cute

After about an hour of holding onto the penguin, my friends were rather insistent I let go of it and upgrade to a more advanced mode of skating. So I held onto Gaby's hands as she skated backwards. She use to do figure skating, so she's very stable, and numerous times saved me from falling over. But at one pertinent time, when I started to slip and fall backwards, she hugged me to prevent me from falling backwards, as she usually does, but I was falling too fast that I also brought her down with me. She fell on my leg when it was at a rather awkward angle. The first thought that ran through my head when the gravity of the pain hit was, "OMG is it broken??"

I didn't break any bones, but it sure as hell hurt when I walk. I asked Oppa to help me home. He piggy-backed me to the bus stop and then from the bus stop to my apartment. There is something not right about the way he holds me or the way I hold onto him because I keep slipping and it is super tiring for him; he had to stop at multiple intervals to catch his breath and regain his strength.

When we finally got to my place, we realised Oppa also became injured as a result of the ordeal. His arms were already tired because he just started doing push-ups that morning, and after carrying the 'heavy load', could no longer lift his arms passed his shoulder. Still I'm very grateful to have a friend like Oppa, or maybe an Oppa like Oppa.

So that's how I injured my leg. It hasn't gotten better since yesterday, as I still can't stand on it without it hurting. So I'm hopping about my place, can't go anywhere! Had to ask Gaby to buy some groceries for me so I won't starve for next few days. I'm also a bit sad as now I won't be able to go to a sushi party that's on tomorrow. I'm worried about how serious this injury is, I really hope I will see better progress tomorrow!!

Update 14 Nov 17:51:
I can LIMP! WOOHOO!! The first step was the hardest because I was so scared it was going to hurt. But it doesn't if i walk a certain way. I can go to class tomorrow, I am so happy.

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