Friday, November 26, 2010

Winter Wonderland

The morning I left for Copenhagen, I woke up to find the ground covered in a thick white blanket of snow. It was 5am. When I looked out the window at 1am it was raining. It must have snowed very hard in the intervening 4 hour. I was going to take the bus to Copenhagen (I really want to write København), so I was very worried whether the buses will operate due to the snow. But to the credit of the prompt Danes, not only did the buses operate, it was also on time.

To be honest I was a bit disappointed I was going to leave Århus at the first heavy snow (and the disappointment wasn't completely unreasonable, as I later found out my friends had a snow fight whilst I was gone), particularly since it was raining when I got to CPH. It was raining and windy, until happily, when we were at Tivoli, it started to snow. By the time we were getting ready to sleep, there was already a collection of fluffy snow on the ground.

The day after I got back to Århus, it snowed hard. Giant flakes of snow, composed of smaller pieces of snowflakes congealed together, looked like cotton falling out of the sky, falling so heavily that the view looked greyish and white...

As it snowed...

A thick deposit of snow just waiting to be thrown at someone

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