Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mussels in Brussels

Brussels is the capital city of Europe, it is also a place of great food. I had 3 waffles in 2 days, twice-fried pomme frites with mayonnaise, mussels, truffles and pralines. Happiness. It was voted the boringest city in Europe, but I only spent half a day looking at the most important sites, so I didn't find it too bad. The food certainly made it quite interesting

Truffles :)
Waffles with strawberries and chocolate sauce near the Mannequin Pis statue (obviously the thing behind us is the statue)
Mussels and pomme frites
Pomme frites with mayonnaise in a cone - how the Europeans eat chips

In Bruges, we went up the Tower, looked at the canals (not a lot because it was raining) and then to the Town Hall Museum where we spent half an hour playing Lego. There were times when young kids would come over to us, silently expecting us to vacate the seats for them (there were only 3 seats) but that didn't happen. Their parents thought this was strange and pulled their reluctant children away from the Lego.

The famous canals of Bruges

Playing Lego at the Gruthusemuseum
Michaelangelo's "Madonna and Child" one of the few Michaelangelos outside of Italy

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