Monday, October 4, 2010

Where two tides collide

Last week, we went on another Studenthus organised excursion to the northern-most point of Denmark: a town called Skagen near Grenen where the Baltic Sea meets the North Sea.

First stop was the town called Skagen, where we were forced into a gallery/museum, lest we suffer the cold outside! We did walk around the town for a little while, and I made an important discovery: the origins of the watch brand Skagen. The Skagen watch boutique is the biggest and nicest store in the Stagen town!

Quotable Quote:
[Upon arriving at the Museum and seeing it was all about art]
Marcin: (unimpressed) It's just paintings!
Me: yea?
Marcin: I want something interactive!
[a while later in the children's room, we find an easel and crayons]
Marcin: now this is what I enjoy! something interactive

Second stop was Grenen, where we had to walk for approx 20mins along the beach to reach the northern-most point of Denmark. As the video shows, it was a grey day (although thank the Lord it was not also a wet day) with gusty wind. SoOoOo cold!! As the video will also show, it was a rather unspectacular site: no mingling of different coloured sea-waters, no spirals... its greater significance lies in the imaginary line geographers have drawn.

After being subject to such brutal weather conditions for 90mins, we were so relieved to return to the shelter of our old and dirty bus, and laid back into our seats glad for the environmental stability that air-conditioning offers. It was 5:30pm and we were ready to go home. But we had not been relaxing for more than 10mins before we pulled into yet another car-park and heard the driver over the intercom, delivering the news that we must weather the cold and wind for another 1.5hrs.

As reluctant as we were to leave the comfort of the bus, our time spent at Råbjerg Mile turned out to be the most rewarding item on the itinerary. Råbjerg Mile is the largest sand dune in Northern Europe, although in the ad for this trip, it was touted as the only desert in Europe... As one can imagine, we climbed the slippery and steep slope of the dunes only to risquely run back down again. The best moment was when our beloved friend Gorilla ran down the first slope at full speed, then at about the mid-point where the sand texture changed from being firmly packed to light and fluffy, lost his footing and fell hard and flat on his face, and then purportedly rolled (I didn't see the 2nd part as I doubled-over with laughter from seeing him fall like a child). He came down with sand on his face and in his mouth, and (shhh! don't tell anyone this) sand in his undies!

Yes, seeing Gorilla fall over was the highlight of an otherwise disappointing and lackluster day. I laughed about it for the rest of the trip (albeit the remaining 4 hours of the trip) and even when I got into bed, had a perverse giggle about it. XD

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