Thursday, October 28, 2010

Shopping in Berlin (or not)

We were met by our friend Marcin in Berlin. After a week in each other's shoes, we were glad to have some new company and we were all a bit more bubbly than what we were in the proceeding days. Marcin's girlfriend is on exchange in Berlin, so lucky for us he was there to visit her. He took us to the Brandenburg Gate and the Reichstag. He seemed like a local, knowing how it was free to go inside Germany's parliamentary building and go up to the glass dome. We had a traditionally German dinner, I had pork knuckles and tasted some German beer.

Group pic in front of Brandenburger Tor
Glass Dome on the Reichstag
German meal!

The next day we met an American couple on their honeymoon. They had been on the same walking tour as us and we bumped into them at the cheap German restaurant the tour guide had recommended. So we had lunch together and then walked to the East Side Gallery, which is where the longest stretch of the Berlin Wall now stands.

And randomly, we found this store Pylones in Amsterdam and Berlin. It sells the cutest homewares, I love these graters. If only they weren't €14 for a small one!!

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