Friday, October 8, 2010

On a good day, I end up with melted marshmellow on my face and hair

I won't hide it, I have not been feeling all that great lately. But yesterday, the clouds parted (literally) and for the first time in a long while, I felt (emotionally) invincible again.

Sitting in my 8am Trade and Environment class, the cloudless, light blue sky was so enticing I couldn't wait to get out into the sunshine. After a week or so of cloudy, windy and sometimes rainy weather, today was too good a day to be trapped indoors. So after lunch, I went with my neighbour Gabby to the Botannical Gardens to study. It was difficult to concentrate though, as my mind was elsewhere, my eyes would glaze over the text of my book and fail to transmit meaning into my brain. Then I would just look up and revel in the surrounding greenery and the odd tree with golden leaves.

Autumn is beautiful

At night I went to a bonfire at the beach organised by a guy I met on the bus to/from Skagen with Gabby and Kengo. We cooked sausages (or as Americans call it, dogs) and marshmellows over the fire. The marshmellows were caramelized on the outside and slightly gooey inside; when I tried to pull it off the branch, it would stretch like melted mozzarella cheese, and then almost instantly harden like candy in the cold northern wind. It was hard to get it in my mouth with the marshmellow strings flapping unpredictably with the wind; later I found bits of melted marshmellow stuck fast to my face and hair! Eating highly processed foods on an unsterilized dead branch? Good stuff!!

There was a small hitch on the way home. You see, to reach the beach we had to walk through the Riskov woods, which is pitch dark when the sun goes down, as it is unlit by lights and the trees block the little moonlight available. Although we had a torch to find our path, it is the sort of setting horror movies are build on. I psyched myself slightly by commenting how this was the perfect place for murders to take place. Coincidentally, just as we were nearing the last leg of the woods walk, we see two bulky figures sillouetted against the road lights that signalled the edge of the woods. I was scared but Gabby said to keep walking. I hardly dared to look up as we walked, but when I did, I noticed the two bulky figures stood stationary in the middle of the path and distinctly remember hearing "woohoo" (like the sound owls make). It was like they were trying to freak us out! Finally when we about 5 metres away, I see a little white dog walk around figures (it was like...the biggest tension breaker) and then Kengo shone his torch on their looked like an old couple. WTH? WHO GOES ON WALKS IN THE WOODS AT 10PM?! Nevertheless *phew* possible death averted!

no photos of the bonfire yet...

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