Friday, July 2, 2010

Beating Jetlag

I made it to London! After an extremely long and dehydrating 24hr flight in extremely cramped conditions. Upon arriving, I was totally humbled by my 24kg suitcase. I'm really quite worried about travelling with it now. Guess taxi is the way to go.

After I got to my B&B (cute little place) I couldn't check in for hours, since I got there really early in the morning and my bed wasn't ready. But they let me leave my luggage in their lounge room, so that I can skip over to the British Museum. It was only 5mins walk away, so I was able to make it despite my jet-lagged state. It was quite good...very big with lots of diverse subjects: Egypt, Greece, China....
this is on the street I live on, I love the flowers on the window sills

the Rosetta Stone, which deciphered hyregliphics

In front of the British Museum.

I was sooo exhausted by 1pm (it was around about bed time in Sydney) that I wasn't even bothered to climb stairs to see more. So I headed back to accomm. On the way I stopped by shop that sold cheap burgers and makes the worst coffee I've ever had in my entire life!!

Later in the afternoon, after the worst of my jet-lagged discomfort had blown over, I took a walking tour on Oxford St, Soho, Picadilly and the West End. Behind the grandeur of big brand names on Oxford St, there was a labrinth of cute little stores (some with biggish names) in the back streets. It was veerry busy, lots of tourists and lots of road construction. I got lost a few times.

At Picadilly Sq(?) This statue is Eros.

The smaller streets behind Oxford St

Some...last things about London
- the cars seem to be louder than Sydney ones
- there's an obsession with organic/natural/ethical foods
- you know where there's a pub by noting where there is a congregation of smokers outside an establishment


  1. Im so jealous right now...

    keep blogging!!

  2. im joey btw..... not too familiar with blogspot...!
