Saturday, July 17, 2010

Beautiful Bern

Bern was suppose to be my rest city. It's about middle of my trip, and I allocated two days to lounge about and refuel for the second half of my trip. But I didn't do any of that, it's quite impossible. Bern is a beautiful city full of medieval charm. Its Old Town is its city centre and is UNESCO World Heritage Listed. It has a beautiful light aqua coloured river (Aare) that snakes its way around the city and is so clean and unpolluted that locals jump in and let the current carry them along. It also has one of the longest street dedicated to shopping. It's hard to believe it's the capital of Switzerland!

I can't say there were a lot of sites around town, just a clock (it's like a giant cuckoo clock, I read in a travel book it entertains passerbys for 4 minutes every hour. So, with a bunch of Japanese pensioners, I waited for the show one day. But instead of ringing for 4 minutes consecutively, it rings for about 5 seconds every minute. Fail!), the Bern History Museum (there's a good Einstein exhibition inside - Bern is the place where he came up with the famous E=mc2 equation!), Einstein's house, the Bear Park (because Bern is named after a bear which the founder of the city had killed), the Cathedral, a rose garden (which is quite a spendid place and gives a spectacular panorama of the city, but you have to pay a price to get there - climb a steep hill)...and I think that's about it.

The whole bear family. The father bear is on the other side of the fence, because father bears have no paternal feelings and might kill the cubs. But from the looks of this, they're really curious to get to know each other!

The beautiful Rose Garden. The best bit - it's free but you lose weight :)

I was just really obsessed about River Aare. On the last day, I lived out my obsession and sat on the bank with my feet in the water. The current was really strong and the water very cold! The coolness seem to go straight into my bones and joints. Within a few minutes my feet were pink from the coldness.

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